Interlude: Thanks for being humans who like Humans Be Like
It's been an unusually challenging (yet/therefore extremely invigorating!) two months. Forgive me for the radio silence; here's a quick update.
Hi everyone! Toward the end of September, a lovely cacophony of personal, professional, and technological situations kept me from writing. I’ll spare all details but one: I was locked out of my email/website, making it impossible to publish here on Substack. I’m only mentioning this to (a) hopefully get your pity 🫠😅 and (b) to let you know that if you emailed me recently at and I have not replied, would you mind re-sending the email? I definitely missed it.
I also want to say thank you to all fifty-one (51!) of you for reading, reacting, and sharing my posts. I’m especially grateful to those I don’t know personally or have only met briefly. Means so much that you’re here. And extra-special thanks to a few of my best friends (you know who you are) for pledging earlier this year 🤯. It meant the world when I found out and continues to encourage me to keep on writing.
On a final note, ‘tis the season for wrapping up gifts final projects and co-authoring my first ever journal publication. For that reason, I’ll be gradually ramping back into my writing rhythm. I’m writing every other week through the end of January, and then will be back to weekly emails. Excited to pick this back up and have more conversations with y’all online and offline. The hope is that Humans Be Like is (at best) cultivating new analytical lenses that you can consider taking into your work discussions, dinner conversations, coursework, TikTok scrolls, etc. At worst, I hope these posts are super entertaining… in an ironic, The-Room-esque, way. 😉
Talk soon and much love,